Well it truly feels like Autumn

Well it truly feels like Autumn. You know as soon as the weather boffins start giving names to bad weather that things are moving to the end of the year. And with the colder weather comes all the things I love. Sloe Gin, hearty stews and long bracing walks with Poppy and Alfie, our 2 rescue terriers. I think I have said it on more than one occasion but I really do feel fortunate living in this area, especially as I'm originally a Suffolk girl. The landscape around our region is nothing short of stunning and it’s easy to see why Hollywood loves popping over for the filming of the new Harry Potter or Robin Hood.

Now I'm not a professional soothsayer but I’m convinced that we are in for a hard winter this year, mostly down to the fact that I think we are well overdue. So with this in mind I’m stocking up the shop with above average supplies of all those essentials such as hardwood logs and kindling, just in case.

And so onto next month and all that it holds for us at the shop. We start planning for Christmas as early as February with some of the things that need a longer time to prepare, such as our Free Range Turkeys, but December still always feels like a mad dash to the 25th. I’ll be back next month with an update on how things are going, so until then, stay warm.


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